Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAbstractMatrix< matrix_order >
 CAbstractStateVariableFilterState Variable Filter based on Andy Simper's code and analysis: This is a so-called Zero Delay Feedback, trapezoidal integration filter and is suited to audio rate modulation of filter coefficients
 CCircularBuffer< DataType, IndexType >
 CCircularBuffer< float >
 CCircularBuffer< T >
 CComplexFloatA structure defining a floating point complex number as two members of type float
 CComplexShortA structure defining a fixed point complex number as two members of type int16_t
 CComplexSignalGeneratorBase class for stereo signal generators such as Oscillators
 CControl< PID >
 CFastFourierTransformThis class performs direct and inverse Fast Fourier Transform
 CFloatMatrixThis class contains useful methods for manipulating NxN dimensioned matrices of floats
 CFractionalCircularBuffer< T >Circular buffer that keeps a delta table of differences for faster fractional delay lines
 CFractionalCircularBuffer< float >
 CInterpolatingSignalGenerator< im >Signal Generator that generates an arbitrary number of in-between points, interpolated between two (linear, cosine) or more (cubic, hermite) reference points
 CMidiProcessorBase class for MIDI processors such as AbstractSynth
 CPatchParameter< T >
 CResamplerImplements 4x oversampling
 CScreenBuffer< Colour, BLACK, WHITE >
 CShortFastFourierTransformThis class performs direct and inverse ShortFast Fourier Transform
 CSignalGeneratorBase class for signal generators such as Oscillators
 CSignalProcessorBase class for signal processors such as Filters
 CSimpleArray< T >SimpleArray holds a pointer to an array and the array size, and is designed to be passed by value
 CSimpleArray< ComplexFloat >
 CSimpleArray< ComplexShort >
 CSimpleArray< float >
 CSimpleArray< int16_t >
 CSimpleArray< int32_t >
 CSimpleValue< T >Base class for a value that can be set, updated and retrieved (get)
 CVelocityCurveGeneral MIDI DLS Level 1 Specification: The MIDI Note Velocity value is converted to attenuation in dB by the Concave Transform attenuation = 20*log10(127^2/velocity^2) so gain = velocity^2/127^2 Adjustable for dynamic range