Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CAbstractStateVariableFilterState Variable Filter based on Andy Simper's code and analysis: This is a so-called Zero Delay Feedback, trapezoidal integration filter and is suited to audio rate modulation of filter coefficients
 CAdsrEnvelopeADSR Envelope, either linear or exponential
 CAgnesiOscillatorOscillator that produces an Agnesi curve (Witch of Agnesi) With a=0.5, the output is between near 0 (0.038 for N=5) and 1
 CBrownNoiseGeneratorGenerator that produces Brownian noise (aka red noise)
 CColourScreenPatchAbstract base class for patches that use a colour screen
 CComplexFeedbackQuadratureSineOscillatorAn oscillator similar to QuadratureSineOscillator class that also includes feedback control
 CComplexFloatA structure defining a floating point complex number as two members of type float
 CComplexOscillatorA complex oscillator is a MultiSignalGenerator with 2 channels that operates at a given frequency and that can be frequency modulated
 CComplexShortA structure defining a fixed point complex number as two members of type int16_t
 CComplexSignalGeneratorBase class for stereo signal generators such as Oscillators
 CCompositeTransformComposite transform can apply a sequence of transformation matrices
 CCrossFadingDelayProcessorDelay line signal processor that crossfades to ensure smooth changes in delay time
 CDcBlockingFilterDC Blocking IIR filter, aka Leaky differentiator
 CDelayProcessorDelay line signal processor implemented with a circular buffer
 CEnvelopeFollowerEnvelope follower
 CExponentialMovingAverageExponential Moving Average EMA
 CExponentialValueExponentially scaled value
 CFastFourierTransformThis class performs direct and inverse Fast Fourier Transform
 CFastFractionalDelayProcessorInterpolating delay line signal processor with fractional delay times
 CFeedbackQuadratureSineOscillatorAn oscillator similar to QuadratureSineOscillator class that also includes feedback control
 CFloatArrayThis class contains useful methods for manipulating arrays of floats
 CFloatMatrixThis class contains useful methods for manipulating NxN dimensioned matrices of floats
 CFractionalCircularBufferCircular buffer that keeps a delta table of differences for faster fractional delay lines
 CFractionalDelayProcessorDelay line signal processor implemented with a circular buffer, allowing fractional delay times
 CInterpolatedCompositeTransformThis class calculates transformation matrix once per audio block just like the CompositeTemplate
 CInterpolatingSignalGeneratorSignal Generator that generates an arbitrary number of in-between points, interpolated between two (linear, cosine) or more (cubic, hermite) reference points
 CInvertedRampOscillatorInverted ramp oscillator generates falling output values from 1 to -1
 CLinearValueLinearly scaled value
 CLogarithmicValueLogarithmically scaled value
 CMidiPolyphonicExpressionProcessorImplementation of MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) message processing
 CMidiProcessorBase class for MIDI processors such as AbstractSynth
 CMonochromeScreenPatchAbstract base class for patches that use a monochrome screen
 CMorphingOscillatorThe MorphingOscillator wraps a fixed number of Oscillators and crossfades between their outputs
 CNoiseOscillatorThe NoiseOscillator generates random values in the range [-1, 1] at a given frequency
 COscillatorAn Oscillator is a SignalGenerator that operates at a given frequency and that can be frequency modulated
 CPolyphonicProcessorSupports both Polyphonic Key Pressure and Channel Pressure Aftertouch
 CQuadratureSineOscillatorOscillator outputs complex numbers on unit cycle
 CRampOscillatorRamp oscillator generates rising output values from -1 to 1
 CResamplerImplements 4x oversampling
 CShortArrayThis class contains useful methods for manipulating arrays of int16_ts
 CShortFastFourierTransformThis class performs direct and inverse ShortFast Fourier Transform
 CSignalGeneratorBase class for signal generators such as Oscillators
 CSignalProcessorBase class for signal processors such as Filters
 CSimpleArraySimpleArray holds a pointer to an array and the array size, and is designed to be passed by value
 CSimpleMovingAverageSimple Moving Average SMA
 CSimpleValueBase class for a value that can be set, updated and retrieved (get)
 CSmoothingFilterAC Blocking IIR filter, the Leaky Integrator
 CSmoothValueApplies exponential smoothing to a scalar value
 CStiffValueApplies simple hysteresis to a scalar
 CTakeoverValueTakeoverValue allows parameters to implement Takeover logic
 CTransformationMatrixThis template creates classes that can manage a single transformation matrix
 CVariableShapeOscillatorOscillator with a waveshape that is variable from saw to square, with adjustable pulse width
 CVelocityCurveGeneral MIDI DLS Level 1 Specification: The MIDI Note Velocity value is converted to attenuation in dB by the Concave Transform attenuation = 20*log10(127^2/velocity^2) so gain = velocity^2/127^2 Adjustable for dynamic range
 CVosimOscillatorVOSIM-type oscillator based on Rob Hordijk's Nord Modular patch