We’ll be heading up to the glorious northern paradise of Manchester to do a concert (and a workshop!) at the Sines and Squares Festival, from 18th – 20th November: come join us!
Our concert is on Saturday 19th November at 19.00 at the Cosmo Concert Hall, The Martin Harris Centre, University of Manchester. We will be performing a new piece, Apophenia. This is a modular performance with Leafcutter John, Steph Horak, Martin Klang and Adam Parkinson. The piece uses sonification of environmental data to control an 8-channel modular synthesizer processing and sampling live vocals, charting a sonic journey from ethereal textures and processed vocals to a glitchy and fractured polyrhythmic landscape.
More details and tickets at the Sines and Squares Website: http://sines-squares.org/
You can also see us ‘workshopping’ the piece at Crux 2.4 on Saturday 12th November at the New River Studios in North London: http://crux-events.org/